1·Not sailing at a safe speed; Not sailing in the prescribed sea route;
2·Drivers are required to drive at a safe speed on the twisting roads in the mountain.
3·The speed limit is a guide to drivers of the maximum safe speed, but circumstances vary.
4·You should travel at a safe speed relative to the motion of the other vehicles on the road.
5·This notice shall not exonerate the captain from his duty to navigate with a safe speed at any time.
6·The table provides a recommended operating speed and a maximum safe speed for a range of blade diameters.
7·The evaluation model is effective for simulating the process that driver chooses safe speed based on safety degree of highway.
8·Considering the problems of the existing speed limits at home and abroad which are base on design speed and running speed, speed limit theory base on safe speed is proposed in this paper.
9·Every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed adapted to the prevailing circumstances and conditions of restricted visibility. A power-driven vessel will have her engines ready for immediate manoeuvre.
10·Pronghorn, dependent on distance vision and speed to keep safe from predators, traverse high, open shoulders of land, where they can see and run.